City of Selma
Elected OfficialsCity/County/State Offices
M - F
8am to 5pm
About Us
Whether you are visiting friends or family, enjoying the many wonderful attractions located in the region, or just passing through, thank you for choosing Selma!
Recently, Selma has been one of the fastest growing cities in Texas. Selma’s population grew 600% from 2000 to 2010, with a population of 5,540 residents as of the last census. The most recent census projects our population to be more than 11,000; an increase of over 98% in less than 10 years. Thanks to our residents and businesses, Selma is positioned to play a major role in the area for decades to come.
Located between San Antonio and New Braunfels, Selma is in a prime location for our residents and businesses. With this location comes a responsibility to everyone who visits Selma. We strive to provide a superior quality of life, complete with parks, trails, and events for all ages. We are committed to providing top-notch services that include Police, Fire, Public Works and Infrastructure. In Selma, the focus is on creating a welcoming environment for all, with the understanding that the City’s role is to serve others, not the other way around.
As we continue to build upon past success, we are dedicated to continuing the tradition of excellence that is the “Selma Way”. We must always be mindful of the past, but never take our eyes off the hope and opportunity of the future. We remain dedicated to the safety, prosperity and quality of life for our residents, businesses and visitors. Whether you are just stopping by, or if you have lived here for decades, we hope you enjoy your time here in Selma!